Friday, May 1, 2009

Lamb Of Gods Wrath....

Sometimes when we write reviews we have to think carefully about how we word our descriptions of what a band sounds like so as to avoid pissing someone off. Fortunately this band is an exception. Lamb Of God sounds like Lamb Of God. Now that we have that out of the way lets tackle their new album Wrath. Back in the day before Lamb Of God was LOG they were called Burn The Priest, but these were simpler times when living was rough and playing in a band was a luxury. Who would've thought that ten years would go by and I would be writing reviews on a blog post and Lamb of God would be ripping up the whole world? Me! The simple fact of the matter is that LOG never sacrificed a damn thing when it came to their music. The stuff on Wrath is more hard hitting and pure to form than anything they did in the early days with one exception. Its harder, better, faster. Did I say better?Wrath is a bombastic journey through hell and back as told by LOG. Randy is more voracious on this record than I have heard him in past. He brings his vocal attack seemingly without conscious thought and it comes off as punishing and immortal. The guitars are flawless to the note and the drums follow suit. This record is their best ever and the anger felt here is almost palpable. I am astounded that these guys can bring such a demonstrative flurry of musical punishment to the table this late in the game. Most bands have softened and "refined" their sound by now. Lamb Of God has not lost a step. Immortal, Immortal Gods Of Metal....Lamb Of God!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Be a follower You guys!!!! Cmon it takes one minute to make a difference..
